If you were able to see some of the advertisements, your Ad Blocker may not be working. Have a look at comment section to know what can work for you.
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Also let us know how we can improve our service by using the Feedback/Suggestion Box to your right.

Very usable
Thank you for the wonderful response in the polls but I am sorry I had to take it down as it got too messy.
Here’s the image of the top 15 Adblockers as voted by you:
Also, the feedback tab is blocked by certain Adblockers. As a temporary fix, one can whitelist the domain or turn off their Adblockers to access it.
Even the extreme test was ez for my adblocker and the tons of lists on it.
Wich lists do you use?
use the GoodByeAds from the github page
use adblockplus i didnot see any not ANYTHING it was like just a scroll
You may not see anything there, but try it against this – you won’t get 100 lol
Idk what ads it doesn’t block though – sorry
Probably 3rd party stuff idk really, I use
AdGuard Adblocker which got 100%
I got 100 with a DNS AdBlocker
which dns adblocker you are using, could you please provide a link from where you setup this DNS level adblocker?
I’m using dns adblocker from openwrt software shop
Goodbye DNS ad blocker because its mine.
I got 99% using gostarry and ad guard and ublock origin
WHY you use so much ad blocker, like, stop
What do you mean? Are you saying that we shouldn’t use adblockers?
I’m using solely uBlock and got 100% it’s absolutely insane.
you should use just ublock origin, because the methods conflict and if you use more than 1 you will get less ads blocked
man I use ublock origin with privacy badger and adguard home and it blocks 100%
I HAVE 3 DIFFRENT AD BLOCKER AND GOT 99% idk why but it didnt block one thing in the google section lol
It is not a good idea to use multiple adblockers because they will conflict each other in ad blocking. Use a one good ad blocker, I recomend uBlock origin.
I got 100 with AdGuard DNS and AdGuard Adblock
i cant send screenshots but with pi hole i got 100 ez
lol i got 98 with ad block ultimate on chrome web store
My dns ad blocker got 93%
i got 93% [opera gx ad block]
135/140 using ControlD DNS and adguard home
mine blocked 100% too and also blocks ads in apps and other browsers.
got 94, im using pi
Mee too btw It now has acceptable ads
the browser matters alot for adblock plugins tbh, like adblocking on Firefox is generally a much MUCH MUCH better experience. I’m on Firefox + ublock and it was ez lol. no ads at all.
Bro I got 94% on my opera gx adblocker
Why dns used to be something?<
> Is selling itself to ad service
Why does it says “It’s free” on the blue button in this ad on YouTube?
Lol I saw this 5 months late. I use nano adblocker and nano defender together. My nano defender backup :
why did i get downvoted lol
Do’nt use 2 adblockers together. Use one strong one. Also nano defender got bought by someone so uninstall it
Maybe people where trolling you.
use Opera GX to block your ads easily
Why y’all hate opera?
it is spyware (well technically not because you agree that they spy on you so its legal but stupid)
this dumbass got me dead bro OPERA GX???????
my man what the fuck is wrong with using opera gx?
They track you more than every browser ever, but advertise with privacy. btw the VPN is not a vpn it’s a proxy and opera can you track also with turned on proxy with user-ids
its 2 times better than privacy on chrome but 2 times 0 is still 0
its 2 times better than privacy on chrome but 2 times 0 is still 0
what adblocker?
hosts for jesus
nano died because some dumbasses tried to steal peoples creditinials over it
and now im gonna uno reverse card and give nano back to the original developers
because i have opera gx ad blocker right now
I Used Adblock Plus and Adblocker Ultimate.
Advanced test was easy for me
me too
same with brave for free
brave is shit
brave is only good for incognito for chromebook and shit
I used Nextdns Dns for me
I usually use Nano Adblocker + Nano Defender. It didn’t do well on the extreme test. That’s a scary test! I went to the dashboard and enabled AdGuard Base and boom, it aced the extreme test. I don’t know why uBO and Nano Adblocker don’t enable it by default! I couldn’t remember if I had changed anything so I checked out the uBO page on the default filter lists and it turns out that it really doesn’t include AdGuard Base.
Update: please uninstall Nano Adblocker and Nano Defender for Chrome!
If you’re using Firefox, uninstall Nano Adblocker!
The developer has sold their extensions. Use uBlock Origin.
hey alex, if you could remove the recommendations to use nano defender and reek anti adblock killer, that’d be great 🙂 ubo and adguard come with lists that deal with it
Thank you for bringing this to my notice. I have removed the recommendations.
Thanks Alex! <333
Thanks Alex too! 🙂
yea some dumbasses tried to use it to steal peoples creditinials
I can’t imagine the ad revenue you guys make from people with non-functional ad blockers! XD! I was just wondering, if I still receive the interstitial ad, but it’s a blank screen, what do I do? Also, the notification like ads show up the first time on the Xtreme test, and then dissapear when I reload and they don’t come back… I have over 5,000,000 domains on my pihole’s blocklist.
Hi, not enough traffic to generate any ad revenue and most of it is blocked. I believe that’s how Pi-Hole works, the ad space shows up but the ad content is not downloaded. You can try something like uBlock Origin along with Pi-Hole to block the ad space as well. Yeah, those notification ads only pop up once, upon clearing your cookies or using the Incognito Mode of your browser it shows up again.
for me on the basic test I got the ad space on ublock + Firefox but it was blank, and 100% no ads. on the extreme and advanced it was also no ads AND the ad space didn’t even show up.
hello! pls go to
if you seen it than comment pibby!
name is Eternity mom / fnf
come along with me but chili and bluey sing it
also this and comment.
Thanks sonic!!!!!! 🙂
How come the extreme test didn’t ask if the website could show notifications? I’m using Chrome and have “quieter messaging” enabled. I still have the adblocker setup that I mentioned before.
If it’s not Chrome that’s blocking it then it might be your adblocker. Try disabling it to see if you receive the notification request. However, these are fake requests once accepted keeps sending you fake articles and malicious ads.
ok so currently we are removing ad blockers
Ran the Extreme test on my piHole and this came up
A pop up was triggered when you clicked anywhere on the test page. Although Pi-Hole blocked the ad domain it cannot block the pop up. I’d suggest implementing browser based solutions such as uBlock Origin or a Pop Up Blocker.
Or just make it so the browser blocks popups by default
(I did this immediately after getting a new laptop because my first one almost exploded due to a prank someone did. They opened a website that is supposed to be a minor annoyance if you know how to turn it off, but I didnt so the dead lag my computer had was CRAZY. Had to toss it cuz it was running at 86 F)
Somehow Pi-hole isn’t blocking some of this anymore 🙁 as I can still the ads on this test site,
I really suggest everyone to use Adguard. I didn’t get a single ad on the extreme test and it didn’t slow any webpage down either. I use the desktop application that needs a license but can be used for 2 weeks for free. The browser extension also works very very well, but the windows application works without any extension on every browser, otherwise the extension is good enough. Really loving this service!
SHHHHH!!! Don’t go giving away our secret weapon! 🙂
i use abp and abu and its still good i recommend abp (and abu)
my phone can take a slammmm
haven’t seen any ads on my android for about 2 years, i already missed them
which adblocker do you use in your android phone ?
While I don’t know what adblocker they’re using, I do know that Firefox Moblie supports extensions, so you can use an adblocker with it 🙂
Thanks also and this comment.
Thanks r#####!! <333
why is your username hashtagged
My ad-blocker dealt with the situations and blocked all ads and annoyances, I love my ad-blocker now! At first, I didn’t think it was trustworthy until I did the basic test and it passed. Thank you for putting up this ad-blocker test, now I know that my ad-blocker is a good one to use.
My ad blocker is able to block all the extreme things but not all the easy things ?
That’s probably because the “extreme things” are actual (as in from external ad services) ads, while the “easy things” are from this site. Ad blockers that only use pre-defined lists probably won’t have “” in there, so they’ll only block the ads from the external services.
Can confirm finished.
I used multiple adblockers all at once: a firewall, a adblocker, anti-adblocker,
ultimate adblocker, vpn adblocker–that is, not a vpn, and more.
Eh, what? So, I get what you mean by ‘vpn adblocker’, things like Blokada shows up as a VPN but they stay local. A firewall, NextDNS maybe? But anti-adblocker? Wdym? Also, using all of these at once can break some of their functions
One of the ads on the ‘Extreme Test’ (I’m assuming the pop-under or the interstitial) loaded since I was trying an A/B comparison of Pi-Hole and UBlock enabled and disabled.
Just a heads up, it loaded a pornographic website that was playing video. Personally, it doesn’t bother me (and is all the more reason to set your adblocking up properly), but I wonder if that should direct to something that’s not unexpected hardcore porn for the polite society amongst us
I apologize for the same as it was never our intention to show such ads. I remember specifically disabling such erotic ads. Since I have UBlock enabled I never had encountered it. I believe I have removed the ad script that was causing it. Thank you for pointing it out.
I assumed it was not by intention; the “Extreme Test” simply utilizes the most invasive types of ads. If anything, it’s a concrete example of how untrustworthy or prone to that type of thing those types of domains can be in practice (I imagine it was set up to be far more benign originally).
Since the goal of the test is to obtain a ‘pass’ result, I figured I should let you know. I spent too much time in the Software QA field so…of course I tried to obtain a ‘fail’ as well
Good test
i use Nano Adblocker + Nano Defender on my browser.
and also i use Energized Protection hosts. it blocks everything except for the camouflage click ads, but still it prevents me from opening it though.
find out more about the project here :
Even the extreme test was very easy for my adblocker (I use the Adguard Adblocker)! But this site is very usable! 😀
Brave browser passed the simple and extreme test. Thanks for this test. I would recommend Brave browser for those who wanted to avoid annoying ads.
…or you could just use any other browser *and* an adblocker
why tho? brave has native fingerprint protection, a better adblock than all browsers and even build in freggin noscript… yall gotta stop hating on brave, i used basically all browsers and brave is by far one of the best browser out there
Well i my self switched to firefox from brave but i have recently switched back for the 20% better speed while using less resources and better fingerprint protection than any other extension i’ve seen in my PRIVACY journey. But brave is of course worse than chrome in speed. But for privacy brave is way way way better than any other browser. And can i say for people that know nothing about computers Brave is easy to learn for them?
Ever heard of DNS lol
Brave haters hate themselves for not being on the brave train
I could not get the extreme test to work with my pihole.
HMMMMM I have a long list of adjusts totalling to about 5 million domains, smoked all the tests!
Here are the lists I use:
Ok these sites blocks very aggressively. you need to whitelist basic sites like google or else you’re screwed.
Mi Pi-Hole also did poorly for the extreme test 🙁
Thanks for that huge adlist… list.
I’ll add them and rerun the test 🙂
Check out for ad block lists for pihole.
my adblocker was able to ace the extreme test!!
it would be funny if you thought i was actually and ad
Thanks for the test, useful on my iPhone
This is hands down the best ad block tester on the web!
I’m using Firefox with uBlock Origin and Ghostery and didn’t see a single ad or popup. Nice site!
Pi-Hole fails on the eXtreme Test, sadness 🙁 Fully up-to-tdate
I saw no ads at all on the extreme test with brave on aggressive + ublock origin with a lot of filters enabled
Well Ublock, even just the chrome extension, is amazing and even the hidden popup doesn’t come up.
BlockYouX 3.0.5 + LetMeBlock (both on passes the extreme test, for any of my Odyssey/ra1n gang here looking for ad blocker,
I blocked everything on extreme and nothing on simple, good job adnauseam
good tester
Very useful testing the basic rules for pi-hole. Not 100% but very good.
Great tool to adjust adblocking settings! Thanks a lot!
Thank you very much this is a life saver of time
that was awesome
thank you for block you chat online girl
I just use the brave browser built in ad blocker and it handles extreme test easily without ads
Very cool,Nice test
21 ads blocked
does extreme test give you unwanted pop ups or viruses kinda like doubleclick net?
doubleclick is google, so it’s safe
and brave too.
uBlock Origin aced the extreme test
nice test my adblocker works nice
Android Vivaldi support custom ad block filters. Vivaldi with default ublock filters block ads effectively. It skip Interstitial Ad countdown and ad block warning didn’t appear. It also passed extreme test.
emmm my pi hole killed every single ad in the extreme test, for some reason I am very proud
I use Adguard with Orbot (Tor) on my Android phone
It is working perfectly! I didnt See any ad
If you are using uBlock Origin, go into the extension’s settings and click “Prevent WebRTC from leaking local IP addresses” and “Block CSP reports”, you might also want to click “I’m an advanced user”
When you click on uBlock Origin it’ll show all of the trackers, I’d also recommend other extensions like HTTPS Everywhere, Privacy Badger, and DuckDuckGo Privacy Essentials to make sure your completely safe from ads and are encrypted.
Bruh, I used Brave browser with the shield up, it block 100% of the ads
Very epic
Ad guard works great and has built in Ad blocker defender 🙂
Hey, ive got a question, is it possible that a pihole can block everything in the Extreme test or is there something that cannot be blocked via dns and stuff and only by a client side adblocker?
I would like to achieve full protection with just a pihole, does anyone know if that is possible?
thanks! i can see if i got scammed or no. i used the adblocker on the google webstore!
Love this page to test my piHole. God I love that thing. Wish I set one up years ago.
Switch to Brave. Didnt see any ads anywhere. ??
Usually I block everything on the eXtreme test, but now there is an ad in the video player, any recommendations for uBlock?
DON’T use ublock. use ublock ORIGIN
Wow Adblock plus is great it aced the extreme test 10/10 would recommend.
me too i reccomend abp