eXtreme Adblocker Test
What do you see ?
Want to test your Adblocker ?
This page contains various types of advertisements from third parties such as direct links, banner ads, interstitial ads, pop under ads and many more. You can use this page to test Pi Hole as the ad network is in the Pi Hole Block List. If you want a Simpler Version of this test you may head over to Simple Test.This page is full of the scummiest adverts out there. If your Adblocker is able to block it then it can block anything.
Do not trust anything on this page. Just close it upon completion.
Beware of Pop-Under Ads
Clicking anywhere on this page will trigger an Ad in a new tab.
Test your Pi Hole
If you do not see any Ads on this page this means Pi-Hole is working and has blocked all Ads on this page.
Did you receive a Interstitial Ad ?
They pop up before a page loads. Ensure you click the close button and not anything else.
Did you receive a Push Notification Request ?
Do not accept such requests as you will receive advertisements through notifications.
Did you receive an In Page Push Ad ?
These annoying ads pop up within the web page itself.
Did you receive an Ad before playing the video ?
These advertisements disrupts the user’s experience.
Banner Ads
Do you see advertisements around this box ?
If not your adblocker is working.
Native Banner Ads
A subset of Banner ads that are formatted to make it look like content published by the website owner. It is done to fool the users into thinking it is the website’s content whereas they are links to sponsored content put up by Advertisers.
Direct Link Ads
Do Not Click This Link
The above is a direct link to an Ad which can be camoflauged cleverly to make the user click it. The image on the right shows how it looks without an active Adblocker.